Emails are now mostly used in an organisation to send data of utmost importance to one or many people. Emails bring about connectivity and make jobs easier in a workplace.
Even though technology is evolving rapidly, emails cannot be replaced. The reason for this is that emails use a specific format.
Format of an Email
1. Header
The header is the topmost part of an email. It consists:
a. To: In this field you type the name of the recipient. The person for whom the email is made.
b. Cc: “Carbon Copy” is used to send the copy of the email to another person. This is generally used when an email is sent to another colleague and you want to keep your supervisor informed about it. So you just type in the supervisor’s email in the Cc field. Your colleague and supervisor, both will know that you have sent this email to both of them.
c. Bcc: “Blind Carbon Copy” means sending a copy of the email to another person. But no one else knows that the person has received a copy of the email
Lets take the following example

In this P and Q , both are aware that the email is sent to P and Q but are unaware that that the email is sent to X and Y.
X is aware that the email is sent to P and Q but is unaware that the email is also sent to Y.
Y is aware that the email is sent to P and a copy is sent to Q but is unaware that a copy is sent to X.
2. Attachment: Here you attach documents that need to be send. Attachment size on gmail cannot exceed 25mb. If it exceeds 25mb then you can share it through google drive.
3. Body: This is the content of email. It should be kept to the point and has to be well written.
4. Signature: Your signature is very important to be put rightly. Most of the time in an organisation, a supervisor receives many emails and hence your post should be clearly defined in the signature so the recipient knows who you are. Example
Mr X
Managing Assistant
JKL Organisation.
Some other important points to remember
- Emails can be used to give instructions, carry out orders from supervisors, make an inquiry or to request something from another colleague.
- Emails are sent through the servers in a organisation. Misusing your email can be easily caught as the server makes a record of it. Hence email should be sent with good intention and fair language.
- Email for work should only be used for that and nothing else.
- Email ID must always be printed with your other details on your business card.
- If you suffering from email harassment or getting a lot of spam emails, then report it immediately with the Human Resource or IT department.
- Make sure to keep a complicated email password with at least 8 characters, one capital letter and one number. To secure yourself even better, use a special character like @ # * % etc..
- Change your password at least once a year.
I hope you have found this article helpful. Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
Thank You.