There are many rumours flying around about Sony PlayStation 5 (PS5), and its release date and price. It is hard to believe it as just a few month ago, in November 2016, we got the PS4 Pro. However, Macquarie Capital Securities analyst Damian Thong expects “Sony to release its next-generation PlayStation by the second half of 2018.”,
Damian Thong had previously predicted the correct release dates for the PS4 Pro and PS slim model as hardware revisions for its predecessor PlayStation 4. These predictions seemed unbelievable as PS 4 had arrived a couple of years ago in 2013. However he was correct, and hence we believe that he would be right with this prediction too.
Brief History
Sony’s first PlayStation console was launched in 1994. It’s successor – PlayStation two was launched after 6 years in 2000, then after a while later PS3 was announced with a load of new features including massive boost in the quality of the graphics, and it’s released in 2006. After 7 years later PlayStation 4 was released in 2013 along with the Microsoft Xbox One with more improved hardware to power games up to 1080p resolution. It’s revised model – Playstation 4 Pro and Slim were released just three years later in the end of 2016 with even more power in the hardware to support games with 4k resolution.
What Can Expect from PlayStation 5? (Features, Prices etc..)
With Sony releasing its next generation consoles at least 6 years apart, as it’s noted above, and Sony PS4 revisions released just a few months ago, makes us question why is the Sony PlayStation 5 coming out so soon.? With the PS4 pro having AMD Polaris Architecture, upgraded GPU with 4.2 teraflops of processing power and hardware support for checkerboard rendering, and a higher CPU clock speed, the expectations from PS 5 rise sky high.
Sony could either have made changes in its processor and graphics adapter or be producing it’s own graphics adapter and processors for their potential upcoming Playstation 5. However, this would make the PS 5 very expensive due to the amount of cost spend on manufacturing a CPU and a graphics adapter from scratch. So the chances are that, either AMD GPU or a Nvidia will probably be used as the graphics adapter just as the current PS4 console.
If the PS5 would really be launched by end of the next year, then it has to be better than Xbox project scorpio. If not then not only they will lose PS5 sales to Xbox but also the name itself will start being perished due to the lack of the competition from Sony. The Xbox one project scorpio is claimed to support up to 4k at 60 frames per second, which the PS4 pro lacks of natively as it uses checkerboard rendering where only the parts of the screen are drawn (in a checkerboard pattern) and the remaining parts are filled in by an algorithm. Hence native 4K would be the biggest challenge to overcome by Sony PlayStation 5 without making it so costly.
As usual, It will probably be out in USA and Japan before rest of the world, and the slim version will probably come after some time later just as the PS4 slim version. Playstation 3 was priced at $599, and Playstation 4 was at $399, and therefore it’s safe to say that Playstation 5 will probably cost about $399 (25668.67 INR, 366.98 EUR) to $599 (38535.17 INR , 550.98 EUR) depending on its model. Judging by the development in Playstation VR in the past few years, the Playstation 5 will probably have virtual reality (VR) support out of the box. The ideal places to buy cheap Playstation 4 were walmart and ebay, and thus it’s possible that these two markets will attract those who are on budget. To pre order the console, it’s better to keep eye on the playstation’s official website as they usually announce once it’s ready to be made available to the general public.
With all these new consoles popping up in the market, users are a bit concerned that their consoles being outdated if they didn’t upgrade to the newest one, however the frequent upgrades in the hardware specs is a kind of good trend as it allows developers to improve the graphics in the games. with PS3 and Xbox 360, many developers couldn’t improve the graphics for some time not only in console games, but also in pc games as the base engine of many games were developed to have cross platform support, and thus even the pc users suffered too, but with this new trend now developers don’t have to be restricted to old hardware, and are free to push the limitation to improve the visual quality in games across all the platforms. The downside of this trend is having to upgrade the consoles more often to have the full gaming experience.
With the Xbox one project scorpio hitting the market in this holiday season will Sony have a chance to survive? The question will remain unanswered until the both consoles are available for the general public. So what do you think about the Playstation 5? will sony be able to compete with Xbox one project scorpio? let us know your thoughts in the comments below.